Monday, January 24, 2011

Convienence food is always a good thing to have around.  Having made it yourself is always better too, because then you know what is in the food you eat, and you can usually save a lot of money doing it yourself.  Remember that you are paying for someone else to prepare and package your food when you buy something that is ready to go.  Eliminating steps can eliminate dollar signs.  Here are a few freezer articles I found when I was searching 'freeze ahead biscuits'

Basic Buttery Biscuits
*uses baking mix, like Bisquick or the likes, but sounds convenient... think I will add cheese though.

Make Ahead Cooking and Freezer Recipes
This is a site of numerous freezer recipes, the idea of 'spinach balls' intrigues me.  There are recipes for all sorts of different foods, and tips on freezing and thawing foods, like food safety, preventing freezer burn and even thawing a beloved cheesecake that has been made ahead

Monday, January 17, 2011

Couponing thoughts

Have you ever seen that show, Extreme Couponing?  I have... and knowing I am here in Canada saddened me a little.  I love Canada, but the thing is, we have limits to our coupons now that make it so you can't do the same things those people did, like get food for free or even get some money back.  I can remember things like that happening when I was a child, but now every coupon is a 'one per use, can not be doubled, do not use with other offers' kind of coupon... making it hard to get the same kind of deals.

Sure, coupons are still worth it if you find ones for stuff you need already, so with that, I will post a link to an article telling how to best make use of Canadian coupons.  There are plenty of great tips, and the whole site is great for finding freebies, great coupons and deals.  Great food doesn't have to mean that you have to spend a mint to get it.  Sometimes being frugal and ingenuous can get you just as much for less.

Extreme Canadian Couponing

Canada Free Stuff

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

IMMD * Cosmo Cupcakes

This little 'apres new years' find was an 'it made my day' moment.

Check them out here at Bakingdom